Astrology’s Origins: A Brief History

It could be said that over hundreds of years ago, man made the first move and looked up to the skies. He saw and gazed at the splendour of the stars and planets. It was so magical that they believed it to be so. It was so important to their lives that they began to observe and record the actions of the planet and stars.

History has shown that man has always been awed by astrology. Solon, who was a Greek historian, recorded that information concerning astrology was recorded more than 8,000 years prior to his birth. When you think about this, you can imagine that astrology has been recorded for a minimum of 10,000 years. It is plausible that astronomy was the world’s very first divination form.
The first semblance of astrology happened in Mesopotamia, however, it appears that all the earliest civilization from China to Babylon and Greece to Egypt studied it. It appears that ancient astrologers noticed that a particular set of stars, regarded as constellations tended to move about in the heavens together. They also did notice that 5 of the brighter and bigger stars moved about independently. These stars were known as wanderers. What ancient astrologers called stars, we call planets today. It was believed that these wandering stars were divine beings and this caused them to be named: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury. It was in 1781 that Uranus was discovered, and then Neptune way back in 1846. Pluto, the final of this group was discovered in 1930. These ancient astrologers also recorded the way the Moon and the Sun moved. These movements are vital to understanding the basics of astrology.

It was at this point that astrologers started to realise that individuals that were born at a specific period in the year when all the planets, the Moon and the Sun came into view, has quite a lot in common. While considering that every individual is special and unique, these individuals shared quite a lot of feelings and interests. This caused astrologers to think about formulating a horoscope chart for them. A horoscope can be defined as an image of the sky at a certain point in time when an individual was born. Think about it, if it was possible to just lay down and gaze at the heavens right at the instant you were birthed into the world, you would be able to see every single planet in the exact same position they appear in your chart. Creating your chart back in the day used to be a tiresome process, however, thankfully today you can have it created in just seconds. All you have to do is go online and search for a horoscope chart. What you are bound to find is a host of sites which you can use to make a graph for yourself. That being said, it is one thing to make a chart, it is another to be able to understand and interpret it. It is a process which takes quite a long time to master.

What are The Four Elements?

There are 12 zodiac signs available and they have been categorised into 4 groups. Every one of these groups has been named for the 4 elements which were first proposed by Empedocles, a Greek philosopher over 2,400 years ago. These elements were said to be the foundation on which all life was built. They are water, air, earth and fire. When you consider what this means in basic astrology terminology, the elements show how indispensable the varying signs are.
For Fire: Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. Fire is assertive, energetic, positive, impulsive, enthusiastic, courageous, inspirational, initiating, passionate, and powerful.
For Earth: Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. Earth is responsible, cautious, reliable, practical, ambitious, disciplined, focused, dependable, persevering and solid.
For Air: Aquarius, Libra and Gemini. Air is joyful, light-hearted, curious, independent, restless, impractical, communicative, intellectual, entertaining, and trusting.
For Water: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Water is forgiving, compassionate, understanding, creative, emotional, spiritual and intuitive.
Comprehending Astrology Signs of the Sun.

Think of the sun as an energy force, the main energy force that controls the solar system. If it didn’t exist, life wouldn’t exist. The sun will represent willpower, independence, strength, leadership, motivation, popularity and creativity in your custom horoscope. What this shows is that you are a unique individual. While the majority of people do not know about the basics of astrology, they are aware of their individual Sun sign, and that ensures that they are aware of a couple of character traits lined with it. The majority of astrological predictions which are shown in magazines and newspapers are typically derived from sun signs. These predictions should not be bought into much, as they are usually generalisations. This is because only 12 Sun signs are available. What this means is that humanity is simply classified into 12 groups. Basic astrology shows that this is not the case, however, taking a look at your unique horoscope helps you to understand astrology better.

When it comes to astrology, there are 12 sections in which the sky is grouped into. Every one of these groups represents a zodiac sign. When you consider the moment you came into the world, the sun became one of the 12 sections. What this means is that the sun determines your zodiac sign. The duration spent by the sun in each of the sections is around 30 days. What this means is that the sun needs an entire year for every section to be visited and for the zodiac to be settled. While the time period is constant, due to the way the calendar is structured, the dates vary from one year to another. Subsequently, if you happened to be born at the end or beginning of a zodiac sign, it is best to ensure that you check the next year as it is possible that the sign you identify with could change. Most people tend to identify with the characteristics associated with a zodiac sign, however if you were born during a time of flux, it could be that you can relate with the traits of more than one zodiac sign.

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