
Stellium in astrology is happening now.

Stellium in astrology is happening now.

In a birth chart, there are different Zodiac signs. This indicates the placement of the planets according to your time of birth. We all have different Zodiac signs since we are born on different dates and times. You can examine a birth chart to discover where you are placed. Among all these, we have the […]

All you need to know about Pluto retrograde and its impact

All you need to know about Pluto retrograde and its impact

When compared with other planets, Pluto is considered to be one of the planets farther from us. It is said to be a great destroyer because it brings about many changes in human lives, including power struggles, death, transformation, intense energy and more. Pluto is a small but mighty planet because of its power and […]

The Ninth Sign In The Chinese Zodiac: Monkey

The Ninth Sign In The Chinese Zodiac: Monkey

The Chinese calendar is unique in several ways, and one of those ways is that various animals represent each calendar month, known as the Chinese zodiac. These animals are not just randomly picked to represent each month, for they have unique attributes and features associated with people born in those months. And the ninth month […]

The Eighth Chinese Zodiac Sign

The Eighth Chinese Zodiac Sign

There are twelve Chinese zodiac signs, with each having its function, significance, and role in Chinese society and culture. Zodiac signs have long been used in Chinese culture as a way of telling time and establishing principles. Each year is represented by an animal, which is commonly referred to as zodiac signs. The zodiac signs […]

The first sign in the Chinese zodiac: Rat

The first sign in the Chinese zodiac: Rat Year of the rat

Of the repeating 12-year cycle of animals on the Chinese zodiac, which constitutes the Chinese calendar system, the Rat is the first animal. Years of the Rat are differentiated cyclically by correlation to what they call the “Heavenly Stems” cycle, which results in a repeating cycle of five Rat years. Each year of the Rat […]

The Number 77 in Numerology

The Number 77 in Numerology number 77 in numerology

The number 77 is a numerological number represented by the energy of personal freedom and expression. It is adventurous, spiritual, sensual, and also introspective, as long as the expression of personal freedom is allowed. The number 77 wants to experience everything in life at least once because of its adventurous nature and carefree approach to […]

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