Category: Blog

History Of Numerology

History Of Numerology

Numerologists believe that everything in the universe depends on the mystical properties that numbers have. These innate mystical properties are derived from the instinctual vibration of numbers. There are also others that state that other items such as colours, essential oils, gemstones and crystals carry an innate vibration as well. The theory states that every […]

Nostradamus Book: A Book Of Verity or A Book Of Falsity

Nostradamus Book: A Book Of Verity or A Book Of Falsity

Whoever hasn’t heard about the most famous French personality after Shakespeare has probably been living under a rock. Because of him, many remember France for much more than the French revolution, the stories of Romeo and Juliet and the city of Paris. Many remember France for her great prognosticator Michel de Nostradamus.   Few men in […]

Are UFOs Real?

Are UFOs Real?

UFOs are one of the most controversial subjects of discussion in science and popular culture. Many call them objects; others call them extraterrestrial beings, while many others call them light rays or fragments from other planets. Many individuals claim to have seen UFOs. They have described it with the names listed above and even worse. […]

Pet Psychics

Pet Psychics

Pet psychics, which are also referred to as animal communications, are able to facilitate better and improved communication between your pet and you. A pet psychic can help with numerous issues pet owners and pets’ face, by psychically linking to all types of animals. These issues can be separation anxiety, end of life problems and […]

Are more men and women using psychics and mediums today?

Are more men and women using psychics and mediums today?

Finding meaning in life could be what men and women who use psychics and mediums have in common. While skeptics may doubt the existence of higher powers or spirits of the dead, believers claim to have experienced the power of the supernatural which has annihilated all doubts. Psychic reading is the use of heightened natural […]

Utilizing Professional Psychics: Who, What, Why and Where?

Utilizing Professional Psychics: Who, What, Why and Where?

For years corporate executives have been utilizing psychic professionals, harnessing their creative and intuitive natures to evolve their businesses. Companies such as Microsoft, Arby’s, Turner/CNN all use intuitive development exercises, also known as ‘brain aerobics’ to inspire leadership and decision making. ESP, aka: extrasensory perception, is the supposed ability to perceive things with other senses, […]

Powerful and Successful Business People Who Have Psychics for Business

Powerful and Successful Business People Who Have Psychics for Business

For years now, psychics have always been consulted whenever it comes to matters of high significance or importance. In the past, successful and influential people have turned to psychic whenever it was time to make major decisions or to find answers bothering on serious issues in their lives. The efficacy of this ancient technique has […]

The Success of Paranormal Reality Shows

The Success of Paranormal Reality Shows

Since the advent of the television, no genre has captivated the watching populace so fervently, to the point where our daily lives appear ruled by what time our shows come on. It has even gotten to the point where this genre has given birth to sub-genres taking over possible aspect of life, from love, to […]

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